Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
Saudi Railway Master Plan Saudi Arabia (2010) Saudi Arabia 2010
Strategy for Sustainable Development of Agriculture Saudi Arabia (2010) Saudi Arabia 2010
Excise Tax on Final Electricity Consumption France (2010) France 2010
Clean Environment Cess India (2010) India 2010
Decision No. 957/QD-TTg Approving the Master Plan on Peaceful Development and Utilization of Atomic Energy Through 2020 Viet Nam (2010) Viet Nam 2010
Law on Economical and Efficient Use of Energy No: 50/2010/QH12 (as regulated by Decree 21/2011/ND-CP on the Law on Economical and Efficient Use of Energy and Measures for its Implementation) Viet Nam (2010) Viet Nam 2010
No. 117/2010/ND-CP Decree on Organization and Management of the Special-Use Forest System Viet Nam (2010) Viet Nam 2010
10th Plan 2011-2015 Malaysia (2010) Malaysia 2010
Electricity Rules (Feed-in tariff) Tanzania (2010) Tanzania, United Republic of 2010
2010-2026 National Energy Policy El Salvador (2010) El Salvador 2010
Act No. 204 on renewable energy sources Belarus (2010) Belarus 2010
Act on Aviation Emissions Trading (34/2010) Finland (2010) Finland 2010
Action Plan for Adaptation and Mitigation against Climate Change (Decree N. 238-2010-MINAM) Peru (2010) Peru 2010
Alternative Energy Development Board Act Pakistan (2010) Pakistan 2010
Building Renovation Programme Switzerland (2010) Switzerland 2010
Climate Change Policy Israel (2010) Israel 2010
Crisis and Recovery Act Netherlands (2010) Netherlands 2010
Danish Energy Saving Trust Denmark (2010) Denmark 2010
Decree 367/010 on Feed-in tariff for Biomass Uruguay (2010) Uruguay 2010
Decree No. 0122 setting the responsibilities, organization and functioning of the National Council on Climate Change Gabon (2010) Gabon 2010