Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
Electricity Act Suriname (2016) Suriname 2016
Federal Carbon Pricing Approach and Backstop System Canada (2016) Canada 2016
Feed-in premium for renewable energy sources other than photovoltaic (Ministerial Decree June 23rd 2016) Italy (2016) Italy 2016
Vision 2030 Saudi Arabia (2016) Saudi Arabia 2016
Act on investments in the field of wind power (Dz.U. 2016 pos. 961) Poland (2016) Poland 2016
Renewable Energy Act (Amended) Poland (2016) Poland 2016
Feed-in tariff for CSP China (2016) China 2016
Law for the conservation, modernisation and expansion of cogeneration Germany (2016) Germany 2016
Decree on Renewable Energy Developments Objectives France (2016) France 2016
Growth and Transformation Plan II (GTP II) 2016-2020 Ethiopia (2016) Ethiopia 2016
13th Electricity Development Five Year Plan China (2016) China 2016
Decree Establishing the List and Characteristics of Certain Electricity Production Plants Regarding their Eligibility to the Feed-in tariff or the Compensation Mechanism France (2016) France 2016
13th Solar Energy Development Five Year Plan China (2016) China 2016
Energy Plan 2018-2040 Philippines (2016) Philippines 2016
Act on the Digitisation of the Energy Transition Germany (2016) Germany 2016
Act on the Further Development of the Electricity Market Germany (2016) Germany 2016
Subsidy for Solar PV with Storage Installations (Programm zur Förderung von PV-Batteriespeichern) Germany (2016) Germany 2016
National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) Malaysia (2016) Malaysia 2016
Resolutions SEE 021/2016 and SEE 287/2017 on thermal capacity auctions Argentina (2016) Argentina 2016
Revision of the Combined Heat and Power Act (CHP Act) Germany (2016) Germany 2016