GHGs Formally Designated as Pollutants Canada (2005) |
Canada |
2005 |
Implementation of the EU Linking Directive France (2005) |
France |
2005 |
Mandatory Biodiesel Requirement Brazil (2005) |
Brazil |
2005 |
Measures to Relieve Higher Energy Costs Canada (2005) |
Canada |
2005 |
Minimum Requirements for Retailers - Queensland Australia (2005) |
Australia |
2005 |
Presidential Instruction on combating illegal logging Indonesia (2005) |
Indonesia |
2005 |
Reporting Rules for Industrial Greenhouse Gas Emissions Canada (2005) |
Canada |
2005 |
Requirements for Real Estate Energy Efficiency Diagnoses France (2005) |
France |
2005 |
Updated Regulations to Reduce Emissions from Large Final Emitters (LFEs) Canada (2005) |
Canada |
2005 |
BCA Green Mark Scheme Singapore (2005) |
Singapore |
2005 |
Executive Decree No. 2005-495 relative to the establishment of energy audits for large consumers. Algeria (2005) |
Algeria |
2005 |
Law 2509-IV on Combined Heat and Power (cogeneration) and Waste Energy Potential, Amended by Law 2592-VI, Code 2755-VI, Law 2856-VI, and Law 3610-VI of 07.07.2011 Ukraine (2005) |
Ukraine |
2005 |
Law 3423/2005 on Introducing Biofuels and other Renewable Fuels to the Greek Market Greece (2005) |
Greece |
2005 |
Local Action Plans for Demand-side Management (PLAGE) (Brussels) Belgium (2005) |
Belgium |
2005 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers 68/2005, establishes the National System for the Estimation of Emissions by Sources and Removals by Sinks and Air Pollutants (SNIERPA) Portugal (2005) |
Portugal |
2005 |
Act on the Promotion of the Development, Use and Diffusion of New and Renewable Energy Republic of Korea (2004) |
Republic of Korea |
2004 |
Adoption of the EU Directive Establishing a Scheme for Greenhouse Gas Emission Allowance Trading France (2004) |
France |
2004 |
Adoption of the European Directive for the Promotion of Combined Heat and Power France (2004) |
France |
2004 |
Ajasthan Policy for Promoting Generation Through Non-Conventional Energy Sources India (2004) |
India |
2004 |
Amendment of the Promotion Act for NRE Development, Utilization and Dissemination Republic of Korea (2004) |
Republic of Korea |
2004 |