Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
Kigali Amendment on HFCs Canada (2017) Canada 2017
Energy Promotion Regulation Switzerland (2017) Switzerland 2017
National Energy Strategy Italy (2017) Italy 2017
Solar PV Auctions Japan (2017) Japan 2017
Energy Efficiency Labelling of Energy Using Equipment - Supreme Decree No. 009-2017-EM Peru (2017) Peru 2017
Development Plan 2017-2022 Philippines (2017) Philippines 2017
Kerala Energy Conservation Rules (Building Code) India (2017) India 2017
National Program for Carbon Neutrality 2.0 Costa Rica (2017) Costa Rica 2017
Emissions Trading System China (2017) China 2017
Resolution of the President No. PP 3012 Uzbekistan (2017) Uzbekistan 2017
National Urban Development Strategy Nepal (2017) Nepal 2017
Registration Tax Based on CO2 Emissions Spain (2017) Spain 2017
Kigali Amendment on HFCs Germany (2017) Germany 2017
Onshore wind energy auction India (2017) India 2017
Mandatory Energy Labelling Scheme Singapore (2017) Singapore 2017
Enova - Climate and Energy Fund (Residential buildings) Norway (2017) Norway 2017
Resolution of the President No. PP-2947 of 2017 on Measures for the Further Development of Hydropower for 2017-2021 Uzbekistan (2017) Uzbekistan 2017
Transport Strategy 2030 Russian Federation (2017) Russian Federation 2017
Law on the End of Exploration and Exploitation of Hydrocarbons and Diverse Dispositions Related to Energy and the Environment France (2017) France 2017
20-Year Agricultural Development Plan (2017-2036) Thailand (2017) Thailand 2017