Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
MEPS Microwave (Standby) United States of America (2016) United States of America 2016
Separate meter for EV charging households Mexico (2016) Mexico 2016
Multi-year Sectoral Strategic Plan of the Environment Sector 2017-2021 (Ministerial Resolution No. 174-2016-MINAM) Peru (2016) Peru 2016
Zero-Deforestation Procurement Policy Norway (2016) Norway 2016
Manitoba Geothermal Program Canada (2016) Canada 2016
Intended Nationally Determined Contribution - INDC Marshall Islands (2016) Marshall Islands 2016
National Energy Plan 2050 Colombia (2016) Colombia 2016
National Five Year Development Plan 2016/17 - 2020/21 Tanzania (2016) Tanzania, United Republic of 2016
Light-Duty Vehicle Emissions Standards Turkey (2016) Turkey 2016
Intended Nationally Determined Contribution - INDC Democratic People's Republic of Korea (2016) Democratic People's Republic of Korea 2016
Renewable energy auction Iraq (2016) Iraq 2016
Capacity and power auctions supported by clean energy certificates Mexico (2016) Mexico 2016
Energy Policy (approved through Decree no. 6092) Paraguay (2016) Paraguay 2016
Australian Capital Territory Renewable Energy Target Australia (2016) Australia 2016
National Policy for the Integral Management of Solid Waste (3874/2016) Colombia (2016) Colombia 2016
Energy Plan 2018-2040 Philippines (2016) Philippines 2016
Model Climate Protection Projects in Communities Germany (2016) Germany 2016
Brussels Integrated Air, Climate and Energy Plan Belgium (2016) Belgium 2016
Light-duy vehicle emission standards Russian Federation (2016) Russian Federation 2016
Domestic electricity tariff policy Bhutan (2016) Bhutan 2016