Policies (6273)
Last update: 04/04/2024
Policy name Sector Policy type Country Decision date
Law No.587 on Promoting the Use of Renewable Energy (Renewable Energy Law) Tajikistan (2010) Tajikistan 2010
National Energy Policy & Strategy Maldives (2010) Maldives 2010
Ministerial Order No. 003/16.01 of 15 July 2010 Preventing Activities that Pollute the Atmosphere Rwanda (2010) Rwanda 2010
Ministry of Energy and Mining long-term National Energy Policy 2009-2030 Jamaica (2010) Jamaica 2010
Integrated Wind Energy Program Morocco (2010) Morocco 2010
National Cleaner Production Policy (Government agreement N.258-2010) Guatemala (2010) Guatemala 2010
National Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Belgium (2010) Belgium 2010
National Climate Change Policy Madagascar (2010) Madagascar 2010
National Climate Change Policy Sri Lanka (2010) Sri Lanka 2010
National Climate Change Response Strategy (NCCRS) Zambia (2010) Zambia 2010
National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) Serbia (2010) Serbia 2010
National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2010-2018 Albania (2010) Albania 2010
National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2010-2018 Montenegro (2010) Montenegro 2010
National Energy Policy (2009-2030) Jamaica (2010) Jamaica 2010
National Energy Saving Programme 2011-2015(Resolution of the Council of Ministers 24.12.2010, No 1882) Belarus (2010) Belarus 2010
National Environment and Health Action Plan Myanmar (2010) Myanmar 2010
National Environmental Strategy 2011-2015 Cuba (2010) Cuba 2010
National Environmental, Economic and Development Study (NEEDS) for Climate Change Egypt (2010) Egypt 2010
National Forest Policy Pakistan (2010) Pakistan 2010
National Framework Strategy on Climate Change Philippines (2010) Philippines 2010