Nationally Determined Contribution - NDC Marshall Islands (2020) |
Marshall Islands |
2020 |
Nationally Determined Contribution - NDC Australia (2020) |
Australia |
2020 |
Nationally Determined Contribution - NDC Brunei Darussalam (2020) |
Brunei Darussalam |
2020 |
Climate Action Programme - Climate Law Germany (2019) |
Germany |
2019 |
Competitive Tendering Scheme for Energy Efficiency in Industry Germany (2019) |
Germany |
2019 |
Solar Cooling Standard Australia (2019) |
Australia |
2019 |
National Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C) Policy Bhutan (2019) |
Bhutan |
2019 |
Roadmap of Sustainable and Holistic Approach to National Energy Efficiency (ROSHANEE) India (2019) |
India |
2019 |
Smart services for efficient energy consumption - including smart meters Singapore (2019) |
Singapore |
2019 |
Energy Rating System for Buildings - Chicago United States of America (2019) |
United States of America |
2019 |
Energy Rating Labels on Space Heating Appliances Australia (2019) |
Australia |
2019 |
National Plan for Electric Transport Costa Rica (2019) |
Costa Rica |
2019 |
Energy Efficiency Roadmap Bhutan (2019) |
Bhutan |
2019 |
Green and High-Efficiency Cooling Action Plan China (2019) |
China |
2019 |
Trial measures for the regional integration of central government State Owned Enterprises in the coal fired power sector China (2019) |
China |
2019 |
Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan Italy (2019) |
Italy |
2019 |
Climate Act Denmark (2019) |
Denmark |
2019 |
Business Energy Advice Program Australia (2019) |
Australia |
2019 |
Decree 179/2021 approving the National Economic Strategy for the period up to 2030 Ukraine (2019) |
Ukraine |
2019 |
Energy Efficiency Label for Residential Sector India (2019) |
India |
2019 |