Scheme on Interest free loan for Energy Conservation Measures in Haryana India (2010) |
India |
2010 |
6 Star NatHERS Rating for Buildings Australia (2010) |
Australia |
2010 |
Tenders for Efficient Use of Electricity Switzerland (2010) |
Switzerland |
2010 |
National Energy Saving Programme 2011-2015(Resolution of the Council of Ministers 24.12.2010, No 1882) Belarus (2010) |
Belarus |
2010 |
Energy efficiency and Demand Side Management(EEDSM) Programme South Africa (2010) |
South Africa |
2010 |
Renewable Energy Bonus Scheme Australia (2010) |
Australia |
2010 |
Promotion of Zero Energy Building (ZEB) and Zero Energy Houses (ZEH) Japan (2010) |
Japan |
2010 |
Promotion of Star Labelled Products in Rajasthan India (2010) |
India |
2010 |
Promotion of Energy Efficient Distribution Transformer in Rajasthan India (2010) |
India |
2010 |
Passive House Denmark (2010) |
Denmark |
2010 |
State Building Sector Development Concept for 2011-2020 (Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 1589) Belarus (2010) |
Belarus |
2010 |
Law prohibiting commercialisation of incandescent light bulbs Argentina (2010) |
Argentina |
2010 |
Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) Republic of Korea (2010) |
Republic of Korea |
2010 |
Energy efficiency Program and The Carbon Neutral Program Australia (2010) |
Australia |
2010 |
Mandatory Public Street Lighting Systems in Rajasthan India (2010) |
India |
2010 |
Low Carbon Communities Australia (2010) |
Australia |
2010 |
National Strategy on Energy efficiency Australia (2010) |
Australia |
2010 |
National Mission on Sustainable Habitat India (2010) |
India |
2010 |
Resolution 18-0919 of the Ministry of Mines and Energy Adopting the Indicative Action Plan 2010-2015 to develop the Programme for a Rational and Efficient use of Energy and of other Non-Conventional Energy Sources Colombia (2010) |
Colombia |
2010 |
National Building Code Canada (2010) |
Canada |
2010 |