Document CONPES 3700, sets the Institutional Strategy for the Articulation of Policies and Actions in Climate Change Colombia (2011) |
Colombia |
2011 |
Energy Strategy 2050 Denmark (2011) |
Denmark |
2011 |
Establishment of sustainability criteria and targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fuels, Decree of Ministry of Environment No. 271/2011 Coll. Slovakia (2011) |
Slovakia |
2011 |
Climate-Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) Strategy Ethiopia (2011) |
Ethiopia |
2011 |
Executive Order No. 43, Cabinet Cluster on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Philippines (2011) |
Philippines |
2011 |
Exhaust Emission Controls Act (2011:318) Sweden (2011) |
Sweden |
2011 |
Green Growth and Climate Resilience National Strategy on Climate Change and Low Carbon Development Rwanda (2011) |
Rwanda |
2011 |
Innovation for Lasting Prosperity: Medium Term Policy Framework (MTPF) 2011-2014 Trinidad and Tobago (2011) |
Trinidad and Tobago |
2011 |
Interim Action Plan / Vision 2050 Papua New Guinea (2011) |
Papua New Guinea |
2011 |
Law 1450 establishing the National Development Plan 2010-2014 Colombia (2011) |
Colombia |
2011 |
Law 2/2011, on Sustainable Economy, regulated by Royal Decree 1494/2011, of 24 October 2011 Spain (2011) |
Spain |
2011 |
Medium Term Plan Zimbabwe (2011) |
Zimbabwe |
2011 |
National Action Programme on Climate Change Mongolia (2011) |
Mongolia |
2011 |
National Climate Change Action Plan Philippines (2011) |
Philippines |
2011 |
National Climate Change Policy Framework Marshall Islands (2011) |
Marshall Islands |
2011 |
National Climate Change Policy Trinidad and Tobago (2011) |
Trinidad and Tobago |
2011 |
Energy Strategy (NZES) New Zealand (2011) |
New Zealand |
2011 |
Presidential Decree No. 7/2011 creating the Inter-ministerial Commission of Biofuels Mozambique (2011) |
Mozambique |
2011 |
Sustainable Energy Development Authority Act Malaysia (2011) |
Malaysia |
2011 |
The Environmental Management and Conservation Act No. 12 as amended by The Environmental Management and Conservation (Amendment) Act No. 28 Vanuatu (2011) |
Vanuatu |
2011 |