National Climate Change Response Strategy (NCCRS) Zambia (2010) |
Zambia |
2010 |
National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) Serbia (2010) |
Serbia |
2010 |
National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2010-2018 Albania (2010) |
Albania |
2010 |
National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2010-2018 Montenegro (2010) |
Montenegro |
2010 |
National Energy Saving Programme 2011-2015(Resolution of the Council of Ministers 24.12.2010, No 1882) Belarus (2010) |
Belarus |
2010 |
National Environment and Health Action Plan Myanmar (2010) |
Myanmar |
2010 |
National Environmental Strategy 2011-2015 Cuba (2010) |
Cuba |
2010 |
National Environmental, Economic and Development Study (NEEDS) for Climate Change Egypt (2010) |
Egypt |
2010 |
National Forest Policy Pakistan (2010) |
Pakistan |
2010 |
National Framework Strategy on Climate Change Philippines (2010) |
Philippines |
2010 |
National Policy on Climate Change Malaysia (2010) |
Malaysia |
2010 |
National Policy to Fight Against Climate Change Madagascar (2010) |
Madagascar |
2010 |
National Strategy on Climate Change (NSCC) Laos (2010) |
Lao People's Democratic Republic |
2010 |
National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS): Pathway to a sustainable and resilient future Pakistan (2010) |
Pakistan |
2010 |
National climate strategy Uruguay (2010) |
Uruguay |
2010 |
Vision 2020 Nigeria (2010) |
Nigeria |
2010 |
Passive House Denmark (2010) |
Denmark |
2010 |
RS 52/2010 Rules on Thermal Insulation and Efficient Energy Use in Buildings Slovenia (2010) |
Slovenia |
2010 |
Resolution 18-0919 of the Ministry of Mines and Energy Adopting the Indicative Action Plan 2010-2015 to develop the Programme for a Rational and Efficient use of Energy and of other Non-Conventional Energy Sources Colombia (2010) |
Colombia |
2010 |
Resolution of Council of Ministers 93/2010, mandates the development of a new regulatory framework for post 2010 climate policy Portugal (2010) |
Portugal |
2010 |