Solar GET FiT Zambia (2019) |
Zambia |
2019 |
Law No. 1 of 2019 Energy Act Kenya (2019) |
Kenya |
2019 |
Basic Law for the Promotion of Biomass Utilization Japan (2019) |
Japan |
2019 |
Roadmap for Carbon Recycling Technologies Japan (2019) |
Japan |
2019 |
Renewable Energy Target for 2030 India (2019) |
India |
2019 |
Regulations Limiting Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Natural Gas-fired Generation of Electricity (SOR/2018-261) Canada (2019) |
Canada |
2019 |
Strategic Roadmap for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Japan (2019) |
Japan |
2019 |
Energy Storage System Roadmap 2019-2032 India (2019) |
India |
2019 |
Resolution 81/2019 on Grid expansion tenders Argentina (2019) |
Argentina |
2019 |
Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) United States of America (2019) |
United States of America |
2019 |
Fuel Emissions Trading Act (BEHG) Germany (2019) |
Germany |
2019 |
Renewable portfolio standard benchmark China (2019) |
China |
2019 |
Incentive mechanism for renewable energy plants Italy (2019) |
Italy |
2019 |
Decree Law 162/19 art. 42bis - Legal scheme applicable to self-consumption of renewable energy Italy(2019) |
Italy |
2019 |
Power Development Plan (PDP) 2018-2037 Thailand (2019) |
Thailand |
2019 |
Ordinance No. 2019-501 of May 22, 2019 simplifying the procedure for developing and revising connection plans to the renewable energy network France (2019) |
France |
2019 |
Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources Strategic plan 2019-2023 Turkey (2019) |
Turkey |
2019 |
Special Programme for Energy Transition Mexico (2019) |
Mexico |
2019 |
Law No. 2019-1270 of December 2, 2019 on Amending Finances for 2019 France (2019) |
France |
2019 |
Exercise Tax on Fuel Russian Federation (2019) |
Russian Federation |
2019 |